Tarron Newman—Co-founder of RIPE Intelligence—joins me on MATE to discuss how he revolutionised Australia’s emergency management with data. Through the creation of their product, EmergencyAUS, Tarron and his co-founder Luke were able to collate public emergency data when government agencies could not. Today, EmergencyAUS is the most popular national emergency information app in Australia. In episode 7 of MATE, we talk about how they created their product and built their company. We also explore the highs and lows of life as an entrepreneur. And … Tarron tells me the deep, dark, secret that his ‘I made it moment’ is the day he buys his helicopter. 🚁

Links and resources:
- RIPE Intelligence, the company which assists emergency services and the public make more informed decisions during emergencies.
- EmergencyAUS smartphone app, the most popular National Emergency Information app in Australia, which alerts users to emergencies across Australia. The app was developed by RIPE Intelligence.
- The Black Saturday bushfires were a series of catastrophic bushfires that devastated the Australian state of Victoria on and around Saturday, 7 February 2009. There was a subsequent Royal Commission to investigate all aspects of the circumstances surrounding the bushfires.
- What’s the difference between a federation and a confederation?
- What’s the difference between a product and a platform?
- How crowdsourcing data has helped emergency management
- Some of the Victorian Government agencies and statutory authorities mentioned in this episode include:
- The Country Fire Authority (CFA), which is a volunteer and community based fire and emergency services organisation in regional Victoria.
- The Victoria State Emergency Service (SES), which is the control agency for flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake emergencies in Victoria.
- Victoria Police, which is the primary law enforcement agency in Victoria.
- VicRoads, which is the road and traffic authority in Victoria. It is responsible for road maintenance and construction, as well as licensing and vehicle registration.
- The FireReady app is the official Victorian Government app for access to timely, relevant and tailored bushfire warnings and information in Victoria. The app was developed by the CFA.
- Should you build a product or build a company?
- Don’t focus on the money; focus on building your product. If your product is amazing, the market will reward you.
- How do you know if you have “product/market fit”?
- Why every entrepreneur needs a good business mentor
- Why you probably shouldn’t go into business with your best friend
- The hardest part of entrepreneurship is the sacrifice
Special thanks:
- The guest on this episode: Tarron Newman, Co-founder of RIPE Intelligence.
- Podcast logo cover artwork by Courtney Carman
- Music from “Ghosts I–IV” by Nine Inch Nails, used under a Creative Commons licence.
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MATE podcast is a show about Marketing, Advertising, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Hosted by Adam Jaffrey: Digital Strategist and Entrepreneur. Made with ❤ in Melbourne, Australia.
MATE podcast is a production by branded podcast agency Wavelength Creative.