MATE podcast cracked the top 100 in the iTunes Podcasts Top Charts (business category). This is a pretty phenomenal feat for what started as a hobby podcast, made by a guy in Melbourne, Australia.
MATE peaked at #98 in the Australian business podcasts Top Charts the night of its first birthday. This screenshot is from 12/04/17 at 1:40 am. Five hours later it had dropped to #112 in the charts.
From what I can tell, the cause of this fame was largely driven by an article I wrote going viral among fellow podcasters. For the 1 year pod-birthday of MATE, I wrote an article summarising what I’d learned from 1 year of podcasting. I shared it to a few podcast-related groups, and well … it kinda blew up. It got hundreds of likes, shares and appreciative comments from podcast enthusiasts. It felt great! And while I was personally responding to all of the lovely comments, I didn’t realise that people must have been checking out my podcast on iTunes as a result of reading the article. So essentially, people read my article and then went and listened/subscribed to MATE podcast on iTunes. And given that the iTunes charts are driven by ‘new subscribers’, I guess that all this traffic and attention is what drove me into the top 100.
Whilst this is all very interesting, what really surprises me is that it doesn’t take that many new subscribers to feature in the iTunes charts. The article page receivedΒ 678 total pageviews during that short period. (Tangent, the article also had an average time on page of 9 min 31 sec, which is absolutely insane. Most pages get 30 sec or less! That shows people were reading it, and reading the whole thing.) Let’s just assume for a second that a hugely over-proportionate number of people listened/subscribed after reading the article. Let’s say 1/3 people checked out my show after reading the article (That’s a huge over-estimate. I’d hazard a guess that a much more accurate number would be less than 5%.). That means that 1/3 of 678 (I know a pageview does not equal a unique user) listened. So that’s ~300 subscribers in a 24 hour period. That’s not aΒ huge amount of listeners to get you into the top 100 charts.
I wonder what the numbers are like for the top 10? I hope to find out soon and I’ll report back what I find.
RELATED ARTICLE: What I learned from 1 year of podcasting
MATE podcast is a show about Marketing, Advertising, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Hosted by Adam Jaffrey: Digital Strategist and Entrepreneur. Made with β€ in Melbourne, Australia.
MATE podcast is a production by branded podcast agency Wavelength Creative.